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About Us


OBFA's Mission

Protecting Patient Access to Speciality Care

OBFA’s vision is for: 


  • A Physician Fee Schedule that prioritizes payment stability and predictability for office-based specialists and 

  • Fundamental reform of the PFS to ensure the viability of office-based specialists. 



OBFA is a coalition of practitioners and affiliated entities involved in providing office-based specialty care.  These entities include:

Young Doctor

Office-based practitioners such as cardiologists, interventional nephrologists, interventional radiologists, physical therapists.

Concrete Building

Non-hospital centers of excellence focused on interventions such as amputation prevention, cancer care, dialysis vascular access, and physical therapy,


Device and equipment manufacturers that develop the high-technology tools used by office-based specialists.


If you think your organization would like to contribute towards this important effort, contact us here so we can learn more about each other.

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