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Sep 21, 2023

Contact: Grant Herring

Day of Action: Office-Based Specialists Rally Support for H.R. 3674 On Capitol Hill

USPA members participate in 100 Meetings during virtual hill day to push for relief bill

WASHINGTON, DC — This week, the United Specialists for Patient Access (USPA) organized a virtual lobby day for office-based providers to meet with over 100 members of Congress and their staff to advocate for the Providing Relief and Stability for Medicare Patients Act of 2023 (H.R. 3674).

Watch the USPA explainer video on H.R. 3674.

USPA members and allies shared during these meetings the vital role of office-based specialists in our healthcare system and the patients who rely on the care of these specialists. Failure to pass H.R. 3674 will result in providers leaving the field, more practices being closed, and a significant number of patients losing access to a variety of healthcare services in their communities.

Clinical Labor Coalition’s letter in support for H.R. 3674.

Dr. Mark Garcia, USPA board member and CMO for American Vascular Associates, said: “USPA applauds this legislation because it will mean creating some stability for office-based providers who have suffered significant reimbursement cuts over the past several years. This bipartisan legislation will help curtail the current health care consolidation trend and protect outpatient access to quality care across the United States. Congress must act swiftly to help community based providers keep their doors open and eliminate the uncertainty facing patients and their doctors.”

Dr. Dean Preddie, DVAC’s policy chair, said, “Should the proposed rule remain unchanged, it will significantly curtail patient access to life-saving care. The end result will be the closure of vascular access centers due to insufficient reimbursement levels. We have witnessed the impacts of this distressing scenario before, and we understand its dire consequences. DVAC is urging Congress to work with CMS on fundamental reforms and to reject these new cuts to the MPFS. Patients and office-based providers need Congress to pass H.R. 3674 to protect access to quality care and close the health equity gap.”

Jeffrey G. Carr, MD, an Interventional Cardiologist, Endovascular Specialist, and CVC Board member, stated: “Office-based specialists play an essential role in our healthcare system. Without their care, patients are left with fewer options and, unfortunately, less specialized care that too often leads to avoidable, but grave consequences, like amputation. This new legislation would protect access to the quality care our nation needs. I know first hand what a struggle it is to stay in business when the reimbursement rates are so low because my group recently had to sell our practice to a local hospital.”

John Blebea, MD, MBA, an OEIS and AVLS member, said: “Ongoing cuts to office-based specialists are a worsening problem that must be addressed. While private doctors struggle to keep their doors open to patients and provide access to quality care, a growing number of them are having difficulty making ends meet with continuing cuts in Medicare reimbursements. Doctors are being forced to retire or close their practice because of the financial challenges, particularly with ongoing inflation and increasing salary requirements for staff and medical supplies. If this trend continues, it will be patients who will ultimately pay the price for year-over-year cuts to the MPFS and continuing health care consolidation through increased out of pocket co-payments and loss of access to care.”

The United Specialists for Patient Access (USPA) partnered with The Moran Company to produce a whitepaper regarding the value of office-based specialty care.

View the Whitepaper

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