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Jun 18, 2024

Contact: Grant Herring

OBFA Stakeholders Call On Congressional Leadership to Reform the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule and Establish a New Site-of-Service for Office-Based Interventional Care

Washington, DC — Today, the Office-Based Facility Association (OBFA) released a letter that it sent to the Democratic and Republican leadership in both the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. The letter is signed by stakeholders representing a broad coalition of medical societies, medical device companies, and front-line healthcare experts.

The letter signatories are joining OBFA in calling for the reform of the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule, and the creation of a new site-of-service for Office-Based Interventional Care providers.

Read the letter here:

Stakeholder letter on MPFS Reform and Saving Independent Practices 240625
Download PDF • 260KB

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